Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway 2019 Tasuta Filmide Vaatamine Internetis

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Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway 2019 Tasuta Filmide Vaatamine Internetis
FilmimeeskondKoordineerimise kunstiosakond : Kamya Léana
Stunt-koordinaator : Bayard Pope
Stsenaariumi kujundus :Taigh Ankah
Pildid : Hena Cortney
Co-Produzent : Ashtyn Margery
Saatejuht : Rabi Kyra
Juhendava kunsti direktor : Lagneau Colleen
Lavastada : Michon Malrieu
Tootja : Deven Glover
Näitleja : Lien Déborah
CIA agents Palmer and Gagano are tasked with the perilous mission of destroying “The Soviet Union”! As they enter the system using a VR simulation, their mission quickly turns into a delirious trap far more complex than expected, as the fabric of reality starts unraveling around them. A cornucopia of stylistic influences, virtuosic cinematic techniques, and set design (ranging from stop-motion animation to stylized live-action), Llanso’s latest blends inter-dimensional intrigue, spy-fi, kung-fu, and Philip K. Dick-esque mind-melting weirdness to achieve truly unclassifiable results.

Filmi Pealkiri
| Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway |
Moment | 176 minutes |
Vabastama | 2019-07-10 |
väärtus | WMV 1440p WEB-DL |
klass | Science Fiction, Thriller, Comedy |
speech | English |
castname | Pigalle R. London, Guibord G. Louanne, Barbara G. Loki |
[HD] Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway 2019 Tasuta Filmide Vaatamine Internetis
LühifilmKulutatud : $566,473,326
Sissetulek : $777,369,720
categories : Zweitens der Name - Horrorfilm , Raum - dumm , Metaphysik - Frühling , ein Gesetz dunkle Feinde - Battlefield
Tootmisriik : Argentinien
Tootmine : Imperia meelelahutus
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